Sports scoreboard for Sunday, Dec. 18, 2022


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Sunday's Scoreboard

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Hey there, time traveller!
This article was published 18/12/2022 (738 days ago), so information in it may no longer be current.

Sunday’s Scoreboard

FIFA World Cup


Argentina 3 France 3 (Argentina wins 4-2 on penalty kicks)


Minnesota 4 Ottawa 2

Carolina 3 Pittsburgh 2

N.Y. Rangers 7 Chicago 1

Seattle 3 Winnipeg 2

Calgary 5 San Jose 2


Laval 4 Cleveland 1

Manitoba 3 Belleville 2 (OT)

Chicago 5 Milwaukee 3

Hershey 5 Lehigh Valley 3

Coachella Valley 4 Tucson 3


Orlando 95 Boston 92

New York 109 Indiana 106

Brooklyn 124 Detroit 121

Golden State 126 Toronto 110

Minnesota 150 Chicago 126

Denver 119 Charlotte 115

L.A. Lakers 119 Washington 117


Detroit 20 N.Y. Jets 17

Jacksonville 40 Dallas 34 (OT)

Kansas City 30 Houston 24 (OT)

New Orleans 21 Atlanta 18

Philadelphia 25 Chicago 20

Pittsburgh 24 Carolina 16

Denver 24 Arizona 15

Las Vegas 30 New England 24

Cincinnati 34 Tampa Bay 23

L.A. Chargers 17 Tennessee 14

N.Y. Giants 20 Washington 12

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