The Reason We Advertise with the Brandon Sun

What better time to make improvements!

Let’s face it, we’ve all been subject to looking at our homes, both inside and out, a lot over these past several months. Inspiration can come when we least expect it or at less than ideal times. If you’ve been dreaming of creating more in your home…more space, more comfort, a more inviting space, you are not alone. Now more than ever, people are looking for ways to relax and de-stress, to feel like they are out in the world while staying home, and dreaming of times when we will welcome friends and family back into our homes, an at-home oasis if you will. That is what Sunspace by Elite Sunrooms can help you achieve.

We are a Westman company and Elite Owner Keith Bourgeois says it just makes sense that we advertise locally. I get to know our customers well and always ask how they found out about our business. We’ve found that advertising with the Brandon Sun has been one of the best ways for our business to generate prospective customer interest. The Sun staff are helpful and great to work with, they listen to our advertising goals and budget. The result is always a professional and economical ad that reaches our target audience.


Keith Bourgeois
Elite Sunrooms