Access to Information

The Brandon Sun, on receipt of a written request by a customer and once that customer has verified that they are entitled to the personal information will provide an opportunity to review any personal information that the Brandon Sun may have about that customer with the exception of any information gathered by its journalists and subject to exceptions set out in Section 9 of PIPEDA.

On receipt of written request and verification of the authority of the person to obtain the personal information, the Brandon Sun will make every effort to provide an opportunity for the customer to review the information within 30 days of the written request. If the Brandon Sun requires additional time to fill that request, the customer will be notified that a further period of time will be required to respond and a follow up date will be given.

Before providing the information to a customer, the Brandon Sun will review that information and remove any sensitive commercial information about the Brandon Sun business practices and any personal information about identifiable third parties who have not given consent for the information to be disclosed.

If appropriate, the customer will be provided with a copy of the information, at the customer’s expense.

Where a customer believes that the personal information collected by the Brandon Sun is inaccurate, the customer may request in writing that the Brandon Sun make corrections to the personal information. The Brandon Sun may make the corrections requested. However, if there is a dispute between the Brandon Sun and the customer concerning the accuracy of the personal information collected, the Brandon Sun will note on the file that the customer disagrees with that personal information. If any third parties have been provided this information, the Brandon Sun will make all reasonable attempts to inform third parties of the correction

Personal Information Complaints

If a customer wants to make a complaint about the manner in which the Brandon Sun has used, collected or disclosed personal information the complaint should be directed to the manager of administration. The customer should be assured that the complaint will be investigated and that if necessary the appropriate measures will be taken to correct Brandon Sun’s information handling policies and practices. The customer should make their complaint in writing and send it to The Brandon Sun, 501 Rosser Ave, Brandon, Mb, R7A OK4.

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